Stocks Analysis


UI | UX | Front End Design | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | jQuery | RESTful API integrations


This app allows users to search for any publicly listed US company and view company information, trending news, and stock data. Users can also educate themselves on stock and options investing through qualified YouTube videos. In this project I used a working knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and API Integrations. The goal was to create an application which utilizes multiple RESTful APIs to pull and display data dependent upon the user’s criteria request.

stocks website
stocks website
stocks education page
stocks education page


I started this process by considering what kind of application I wanted to build. After deciding on stocks as my topic I researched numerous APIs and decided to use the free AlphaVantage stock API. The original sketch idea was simple, a text field for the user to enter the company they wanted to research and a way to display the returned information. I initially had an API fetch for every character entered but I quickly ran into limit issues utilizing the free API, so it was changed to search the full user input. Company stock info and news were separated into their own sections. The news articles returned from the NewsAPI fetch also presented an unexpected issue as many of the articles returned either distorted, irrelevant or just no images returned at all. After review by my mentor, it was suggested to add an Education section for users that were unfamiliar with many of the terms and stock information that was displayed so I utilized the YouTube API to pull videos teaching about investing in stocks and options. This was a great project which taught me a lot about APIs, error handling, integrating and rendering data.